Nutrition Workshop Topics

Metabolism crisis – Learn the facts on metabolism, understand how hormones affect your appetite and energy levels and learn how to how to control your metabolism with the right foods and exercise.

Food as Medicine – Food curative effects – learn about the research that supports the use of a variety of  foods to prevent and cure most common diseases.

High Protein Diets and weight management – What  are the facts about high protein diets, learn how much protein your body  needs and all the different sources of  high protein foods.

Cardiovascular Disease and Added Sugars – High consumption of sugars has been blamed for the high incidence of cardiovascular disease, learn about the physiological effects of sugar in your body and how to better manage your sugar addiction.

Me? Prediabetes ! –  This medical condition is reversible, come and get the tools for effective lifestyle change and weigh loss you need to bring your blood sugar back to normal.

Planning meals efficiently – Tips and resources for planning, preparing or ordering nutritious meals, no matter what your lifestyle is.

Food Chemistry – From preservatives to sweeteners, learn what to stay away from and what not to be afraid of.  This seminar also includes a review on genetically modified organisms –GMO’s

Plant Based Meal Plans – Contemplating the idea of becoming a vegetarian? Learn about the benefits of Vegetarianism and learn how to eat a balanced vegetarian diet.

The Healthy Mind and Weight Connection – A mindful approach to dieting,   the connection between food, eating disorders and weight control.

Nourishing Your skin with good nutrition – Healthy skin starts within, the role of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients.  Recipes and Tips will be shared.

The nutrition plan to reduce inflammation – Learn how to balance your meals with anti inflammatory foods, understand how an elimination diet can help you determine what foods trigger inflammation in your body.

Stress Management through Better Nutrition and Mindful Wellness – Identify the physical, emotional, and mental symptoms of stress. Determine food choices and biological interventions that may work for you.

Your Cardiovascular Health –  Empower yourself to take control of your cardiovascular health, learn to prevent and manage blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin resistance and diabetes.

The Food Label – Learn about key aspects of the food label using simple tips to master label reading. Know what to look for when comparing similar foods.  Knowing how to read food labels is especially important if you have health conditions, and need to follow a special diet.